Texas Joint Institute - September 19, 2023

As we pivot through life, it’s not uncommon for our bodies to go through changes, and sometimes, these changes can lead to discomfort or extreme pain. The hip joint is an important part of our skeletal system, and it can be prone to wear and tear because of certain factors.

Are you experiencing persistent hip pain or mobility issues? Then, it might be time for you to consider the possibility of getting a hip replacement.

If you’re unsure about hip replacement as a whole or looking for more information about it, we’re going to explore the signs that indicate you might need a hip replacement, the different types of hip replacement surgeries available and everything else you need to know when it comes to hip replacement. However, for a more accurate diagnosis, it’s best to consult one of our specialists about the procedure.

Experiencing hip pain? Contact us at (972) 566-5255 to schedule a consultation with one of our joint surgeons today.

What is hip replacement surgery?

Hip replacement surgery (also referred to as hip arthroplasty) is a medical procedure that’s made to reduce pain and improve individuals’ mobility in hip joints that have been severely damaged due to injury, arthritis, or other conditions.

The surgery involves replacing the damaged hip joint with an artificial joint, known as a prosthesis, and it’s typically made from materials like metal, plastic, or ceramic.

According to the American College of Rheumatology, there are about 450,000 hip replacements performed every year in the US. Hip replacement surgery has improved a lot of people’s quality of life, being able to engage in activities that they enjoyed in the past.

Common hip replacement symptoms

While you might think it’s nothing, it could actually be a sign that your hip joint needs to be replaced. These symptoms typically stem from the gradual deterioration of the joint's structure and function, so it’s best to not overlook them. It’s best to have them checked by your local doctor.

Swelling in hip and knee

If you notice that there’s persistent swelling around your hip and knee area, it could be a sign that your hip joint is inflamed and unable to function properly. Swelling often accompanies pain and discomfort.

Sudden changes in walking style

A noticeable change in your walking style, such as limping or favoring one side, can be a sign of hip joint issues. This alteration in gait might be your body's way of compensating for the discomfort you're experiencing.

Difficulty while standing on a single leg

Struggling to balance or stand on one leg might be a sign of weakened hip joint muscles. This can affect your stability and overall mobility.

What are the signs of needing a hip replacement?

While each person's experience is unique, there are some common signs that suggest you might benefit from hip replacement surgery:

Hip joint pain when walking

Persistent pain in the hip joint while walking or bearing weight is a clear indicator of joint degeneration. This pain can significantly impact your daily activities.

Hip pain at night

Experiencing intense hip pain that disrupts your sleep can be a sign that your hip joint is in need of attention. Pain at night could result from the accumulated stress on the joint during the day.

Hip stiffness after sitting

If your hip feels stiff and immobile after sitting for an extended period, it could indicate that the joint's range of motion has been compromised.

Hip pain while driving

Pain that intensifies while driving, especially during movements that involve the hip joint, might signify that your hip joint is not functioning as it should.

Types of hip replacement surgery

When it comes to hip replacement surgery, there are multiple approaches to it, and it will depend on your condition. The three main types of hip replacement surgery are:

Total hip replacement

In a total hip replacement, both the ball and socket of the hip joint are replaced with artificial components. Total hip replacement surgery is the most common type of hip replacement surgery and is often performed for cases of severe arthritis.

Partial hip replacement

A partial hip replacement surgery involves replacing only the ball of the hip joint. This approach is only considered when the damage is found on a specific area of the hip.

Hip resurfacing

Hip resurfacing is an alternative to total hip replacement, particularly suitable for younger patients. In this procedure, the damaged bone is reshaped, and a metal cap is placed over the ball of the hip joint.

Benefits of hip replacement surgery

When you’re qualified for it, getting hip replacement surgery offers many benefits that will significantly enhance your quality of life.

Pain relief

One of the primary motivations for undergoing hip replacement surgery is the relief from chronic hip pain.

Improved mobility

Patients will often experience an improved range of motion and better mobility after recovery from the hip replacement.

Enhanced functionality

Many individuals find that they can resume daily activities they once struggled with due to hip pain.

Better quality of life

Getting a hip replacement reduces the pain and gives you the ability to engage in activities, leading to an overall improved quality of life.

Risks of hip replacement surgery

While hip replacement surgery has numerous benefits, like any medical procedure, it carries certain risks. Some potential risks and complications include:


There will always be a risk of infection present, regardless of which hospital. However, at Texas Joint Institute, we always make sure that all operating rooms are sanitized thoroughly. Getting an infection will require additional treatment, which your doctor will inform you about.

Implant wear and tear

Over time, the artificial joint might experience wear and tear, potentially necessitating revision surgery.

What to expect before, during and after hip replacement

Understanding what to expect throughout the hip replacement journey can help alleviate anxieties and ensure a smoother recovery process. What exactly do you have to know before, during and after the procedure?

Before hip replacement surgery

Before the surgery, your healthcare team will conduct various tests and assessments to determine your overall health and suitability for the procedure. You will also be provided with instructions on how to prepare for the surgery, which sometimes includes any adjustments in your medication or diet.

During the treatment

During the surgery, you'll be placed under anesthesia to ensure you're comfortable and pain-free. The surgeon will then make an incision to access the hip joint, remove the damaged components, and replace them with a prosthesis. The surgery typically takes a few hours.

After the treatment

Following the surgery, you'll be closely monitored as you recover from the effects of anesthesia. You will also be undergoing physical therapy, which is very important for your rehabilitation, helping you regain strength and mobility. It's important to follow the post-operative care instructions provided by your medical team.

Alternatives to hip replacement surgery

While hip replacement surgery can be transformative, it's not the only option available. Depending on your condition, alternatives might include:

Physical therapy

Engaging in targeted exercises and stretches can help improve hip joint function and reduce pain.


Over-the-counter pain relievers or prescribed anti-inflammatory medications might provide temporary relief.

Corticosteroid injection

Getting injections of corticosteroids can help reduce inflammation and hip joint pains.

Hip precautions after surgery

After you’re done with your hip replacement surgery, it’s important to be aware and follow of specific precautions to make sure you’re maximizing your healing process as well as preventing any complications.

Don’t cross your legs

Crossing your legs can strain the hip joint, potentially affecting the healing process.

Don’t bend your hip too much

Avoid excessive hip flexion, especially during the initial recovery period, to prevent dislocation of the prosthesis.

Frequently asked questions

How long does a hip replacement last?

Your age, activity level and the type of prosthesis will determine the longevity of your hip replacement. On average, a well-maintained hip replacement can last around 20 years or more.

How long after hip replacement can I tie my shoes?

You'll need to be cautious with hip movements initially. Generally, you can expect to be able to tie your shoes independently around 6 to 8 weeks after surgery, once your hip has had time to heal and regain strength.

What I wish I knew before hip replacement surgery?

Many individuals wish they knew more about the importance of physical therapy after surgery. It plays a pivotal role in a successful recovery.

What can you never do after hip replacement?

While modern hip replacements are designed to withstand a wide range of activities, it's advisable to avoid high-impact sports or activities that involve extreme hip movements to preserve the longevity of the prosthesis.

How long does it take to recover from hip replacement?

Recovery times can vary, but most people are able to resume light activities within a few weeks and achieve a near-full recovery within three to six months.

How do you know if you need a hip replacement?

If you're experiencing persistent hip pain, limited mobility or difficulties in performing daily activities, it's advisable to consult a medical professional. They can assess your condition and recommend appropriate treatment.

How much does a hip replacement cost?

The cost of hip replacement surgery can vary widely depending on factors like location, hospital facilities and insurance coverage. It's best to consult your healthcare provider and insurance company for specific cost information.

Experience a smooth hip replacement surgery at Texas Joint Institute

Our team at Texas Joint Institute excels in delivering the best experience to our patients before, during and after their hip replacement. Our specialists provide outstanding care, even for complex cases. During your recovery stage, they’re also devoted to making sure your quality of life is improved and regain your mobility through compassionate care that’s tailored to your needs. We use the latest technology to implement hip replacement techniques that effectively reduce trauma and make the healing stage much quicker.

Contact us today at (972) 566-5255 to schedule a consultation and experience the high-quality treatment that Texas Joint Institute provides.