At Texas Joint Institute, we take pride in our role as leaders in bone and joint care. We focus on using cutting-edge technology to provide exceptional treatment and improve patient outcomes. Our highly skilled specialists are dedicated to delivering personalized and precise care. One of the groundbreaking techniques we specialize in is robotic-assisted hip replacement surgery. This advanced approach combines the expertise of our surgeons with robotic technology, resulting in positive outcomes for our patients. We are here to support you on your journey and offer the advantages of robotically-assisted hip replacement surgery. You can rely on us for outstanding care.

To learn more about our services or to schedule an appointment with our orthopedic surgeon, call (972) 566-5255 or contact us online.

Understanding the anatomy of a hip joint

The hip joint is one of the largest weight-bearing joints in the body. It is crucial in maintaining mobility and stability. The hip is a ball-and-socket joint formed by articulating the femur (thigh bone) and the acetabulum (socket) of the pelvis. The ball-shaped head of the femur fits into the concave socket of the acetabulum, allowing for smooth movement and range of motion. The joint is surrounded by a joint capsule, ligaments, and a network of muscles that provide support and enable various movements, such as walking, running, and bending.

What is robotic hip replacement?

Robotic hip replacement, or robotically-assisted hip replacement, is a minimally-invasive surgical procedure where the surgeon uses a robotic system to operate. 

The robotic system consists of a computer-controlled robotic arm that the surgeon guides by inputs. It provides real-time feedback and enables precise planning and execution of the procedure. 

Types of robotic-assisted hip replacement surgery

Anterior robotic hip replacement

Anterior robotic hip replacement is a minimally invasive surgery where the surgeon accesses the hip joint through a small incision at the front of the hip. This approach allows to preserve muscles and tendons, resulting in faster recovery and reduced postoperative pain.

Posterior robotic hip replacement

Posterior robotic hip replacement involves accessing the hip joint through a small incision at the back of the hip. This approach provides excellent visualization of the joint and allows for precise implant placement.

Lateral robotic hip replacement

Lateral robotic hip replacement involves accessing the hip joint through a small incision on the side of the hip. This approach provides good access to the joint and may be suitable for patients with specific anatomical considerations.

Robotic hip resurfacing

Robotic hip resurfacing is a procedure where the damaged surfaces of the hip joint are replaced with a metal prosthesis. This technique is often recommended for younger, active patients with good bone quality and offers the advantage of preserving more of the patient's natural bone.

Robotic revision hip replacement

Robotic revision hip replacement is a procedure performed to replace a previously implanted hip prosthesis that has failed or become worn out. The robotic technology assists the surgeon in removing the old components and accurately placing the new prosthesis, improving the chances of a successful outcome.

Indications for robotic hip replacement

Robotic hip replacement may be recommended for individuals who are experiencing severe hip joint pain and disability due to various conditions like osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis or post-traumatic arthritis wherein it interferes with the individual’s activities of daily living.

There are also several other factors are considered when determining the suitability of a patient for this procedure.

Patient age and activity level

The patient's age and activity level are important considerations. Robotic hip replacement can benefit patients of various ages, but the overall health and functional demands of the patient should be assessed to ensure the procedure is appropriate.

Severity and localization of joint damage

The severity and localization of joint damage play a role in determining the need for robotic hip replacement. Conditions such as osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, avascular necrosis, or hip fractures that result in significant pain, joint deformity, and limited function may require surgical intervention.

Body weight and body mass index (BMI)

Body weight and BMI can impact the success of the procedure and the longevity of the implant. In some cases, weight loss may be recommended before surgery to reduce the stress on the new hip joint.

Joint deformity and alignment

Patients with joint deformities, such as hip dysplasia or congenital abnormalities can benefit from robotic hip replacement to treat alignment issues and improve joint function.

Muscular strength and flexibility

The strength and flexibility of the surrounding muscles are important for successful rehabilitation after surgery. Patients with good muscular strength and flexibility may experience better outcomes following robotic hip replacement.

Common hip conditions treated with robotic surgery

Robotic-assisted joint replacement surgery has successfully addressed various hip conditions. With the precision and customization offered by robotic technology, our surgeons can effectively treat the following conditions:

  1. Osteoarthritis: The gradual breakdown of joint cartilage in the hip, leading to pain and stiffness.
  2. Rheumatoid arthritis: Hip joint inflammation due to an autoimmune disorder.
  3. Hip fractures: Robotic-assisted surgery can aid in precisely aligning and fixation with fractured hip bones.
  4. Femoroacetabular impingement (FAI): A condition where extra bone growth around the hip joint causes restricted movement and pain.
  5. Dysplasia: Developmental abnormalities in the hip joint, leading to instability and early degeneration.
  6. Hip labral tears: Tears in the cartilage lining the hip joint, resulting in pain, clicking, or locking sensations.
  7. Revision surgeries for implant failure: When a previous hip replacement has failed, robotic-assisted surgery can be utilized to revise or replace the implant.
  8. Complex hip conditions: Complicated hip conditions, including deformities, abnormalities, or previous surgeries, can benefit from the precision and customization offered by robotic-assisted surgery.
  9. Other hip disorders: Hip conditions, such as avascular necrosis, hip bursitis, and snapping hip syndrome, can be effectively treated with robotically-assisted joint replacement.
  10. Avascular necrosis: A condition in which the bone tissue in the knee joint dies due to a lack of blood supply, causing joint deterioration.

What are the benefits of robotic hip replacement surgery?

Robotic hip replacement surgery offers several benefits compared to traditional approaches, which contribute to improved patient outcomes and satisfaction.

Enhanced precision and accuracy

Robotic technology allows for precise planning and execution of the surgery. This results in improved implant positioning, better alignment, and reduced risk of complications.

Customized surgical planning

Robotic systems create a virtual 3D model of the patient's hip joint, enabling customized surgical planning based on the individual's anatomy. This personalized approach enhances the accuracy and efficiency of the procedure.

Minimally invasive approach

Robotic-assisted hip replacement is typically performed using minimally invasive techniques, which involve smaller incisions and less disruption of surrounding tissues. This leads to reduced pain, faster recovery, and shorter hospital stays.

Reduced trauma to surrounding tissues

The robotic system helps the surgeon navigate around sensitive structures and avoid unnecessary trauma to muscles, tendons, and ligaments. This preservation of healthy tissues promotes faster healing and improved postoperative function.

Faster recovery and rehabilitation

Due to the minimally invasive nature of robotic hip replacement, patients often experience a quicker recovery and can start rehabilitation exercises earlier. This enables them to regain mobility and return to their daily activities faster.

Traditional vs. robotic surgery for hip replacements

Hip replacement surgery can be done in two ways: traditional or robotic-assisted. In traditional surgery, the surgeon operates using manual techniques. However, in robotic-assisted surgery, the surgeon is supported by a robotic system. Robotic surgery has several benefits, including enhanced precision, customization, and accuracy. As a result, the robotic-assisted approach improves the positioning of the implant and leads to better outcomes. At Texas Joint Institute, we believe in the advantages of robotically-assisted hip surgery, as it allows us to provide you with the best possible care and ensure a successful recovery.

How to prepare for robotic hip replacement

Preparing for robotic hip replacement surgery involves several steps to ensure a successful procedure and smooth recovery. Here is an overview of what you need to prepare for your upcoming robotic hip replacement.

Consultation with the surgeon

Schedule an initial consultation with the orthopedic surgeon who will perform the robotic hip replacement. During this consultation, the surgeon will evaluate your condition, discuss the procedure in detail, and answer any questions or concerns you may have.

Medical evaluation

Undergo a comprehensive medical evaluation, including blood tests, imaging scans, and a physical examination. This evaluation will help the surgical team assess your overall health and identify any preexisting conditions that may affect the surgery or recovery process.

Medication review

Provide your surgeon with a complete list of medications you are currently taking, including prescription drugs, over-the-counter medications, and any supplements. The surgeon will review these medications and advise you on any adjustments or restrictions before the surgery.

Lifestyle adjustments

In the weeks leading up to the surgery, your surgeon may recommend certain lifestyle adjustments to optimize your health and prepare for the procedure. These may include dietary modifications, weight management, smoking cessation, and exercise routines.

Preoperative instructions

Follow any preoperative instructions provided by your surgeon or surgical team. These instructions may include fasting guidelines, restrictions on eating or drinking before the surgery, and the use of specific cleansing solutions to prepare the surgical site.

Support system

Arrange for a support system to assist you during the recovery period. This may involve coordinating transportation to and from the hospital, ensuring someone can help with household tasks, and providing emotional support during the healing process.

Preparing your home

Make necessary modifications to your home to ensure a safe and comfortable recovery. This may include clearing clutter, arranging furniture for easy navigation, and installing handrails or assistive devices in bathrooms or stairways.

What to expect during robotically-assisted hip replacement surgery

The usual robotic-assisted hip replacement surgery protocol includes the following.

  • Anesthesia: Before the surgery begins, you will be administered general anesthesia, which will induce a state of unconsciousness to ensure you remain comfortable and pain-free throughout the procedure.
  • Incision and exposure: The surgeon will make a small incision in the appropriate location, typically on the side or front of the hip. Through this incision, the robotic arm and surgical instruments will be inserted to access the hip joint.
  • Robotic guidance: The surgeon will utilize the robotic system to guide the procedure. This involves creating a virtual 3D model of your hip joint, which provides real-time feedback and aids in surgical planning and execution.
  • Precision incisions: With the assistance of the robotic arm, the surgeon will make precise incisions to access the damaged hip joint, taking care to minimize trauma to surrounding tissues.
  • Bone preparation: The surgeon will remove the damaged bone and cartilage from the hip joint, using the robotic system to ensure accurate and precise removal.
  • Implant placement: The artificial hip components, including the acetabular cup (socket) and the femoral stem, will be carefully positioned and secured within the hip joint. The surgeon will utilize the robotic arm to ensure optimal alignment and fit.
  • Closure: Once the components are in place, the surgeon will close the incision with sutures or staples and apply dressings or bandages to promote healing.

Our expert surgeons at Texas Joint Institute always make sure to closely monitor the robotic system and makes any necessary adjustments to ensure optimal outcome throughout the surgery. The procedure's duration may vary depending on the complexity of the case and the individual patient's circumstances.

Post-operative recovery and rehabilitation

After robotic hip replacement surgery, a comprehensive recovery and rehabilitation plan is implemented to promote healing, restore function, and maximize the benefits of the surgery.

Pain management

Pain management techniques, including medications and localized therapies, are employed to keep the patient comfortable during the recovery period.

Physical therapy

Physical therapy plays a crucial role in the rehabilitation process. A physical therapist will guide the patient through exercises and activities designed to improve strength, flexibility, and mobility of the hip joint.

Home care instructions

Patients will receive specific home-care instructions, including wound care, activity restrictions, and pain management guidelines. It is important to follow these instructions carefully to promote a successful recovery.

Risks & complications of robotic-assisted hip replacement surgery

Although robotic-assisted hip replacement surgery is generally considered safe, there are potential risks and complications associated with the procedure, as with any surgical intervention. The following are possible risks when undergoing the robotic hip replacement surgery:

  • Fracture
  • Bleeding
  • Infection
  • Dislocation
  • Leg-length discrepancy
  • Nerve and blood vessel damage
  • Deep vein thrombosis
  • Loosening of implant wear

Frequently asked questions

How long does the recovery from robotic-assisted hip replacement surgery take?

The recovery time varies from patient to patient, but most individuals can expect to resume normal activities within a few weeks to a few months after surgery. However, complete recovery and optimal function may take several months.

How long will I need to use assistive devices after robotic hip replacement surgery?

The use of assistive devices, such as crutches or a walker, is typically required for a few weeks to support mobility and ensure proper healing. The specific duration will depend on the individual's progress and the surgeon's recommendations.

What types of physical therapy will I need after robotic-assisted hip replacement surgery?

Physical therapy after robotic-assisted hip replacement surgery may include exercises to improve joint mobility, strengthen surrounding muscles, and enhance overall functional ability. The therapy plan will be tailored to each patient's specific needs and goals.

How long does a robotic hip replacement last?

Robotic hip replacements are designed to be long-lasting, with most implants expected to function well for 15 to 20 years or more. However, individual results may vary depending on factors such as patient age, activity level, and implant type.

Can robotic hip replacement surgery be performed on both hips at the same time?

In some cases, bilateral robotic hip replacement surgery (both hips at the same time) may be considered. However, this decision depends on the patient's overall health, age, and surgeon's assessment. It is best to consult with an orthopedic specialist to determine the appropriate approach.

What are the potential risks and complications of robotic-assisted hip replacement surgery?

Potential risks and complications of robotic-assisted hip replacement surgery include infection, blood clots, implant loosening or dislocation, nerve or blood vessel injury, leg length discrepancy, and allergic reactions. The surgeon will discuss these risks in detail before the procedure.

When can I return to normal daily activities after robotic hip replacement surgery?

The timeline for returning to normal daily activities will depend on how fast the individual’s healing progress is. Most patients can gradually resume light activities within a few weeks, with a gradual increase in intensity as guided by the surgeon and physical therapist.

How much does robotic hip surgery cost?

The cost of robotic hip surgery can vary depending on various factors, including the specific procedure, hospital fees, surgeon fees, and geographical location. To learn more about the costs, you may send us a message and make an appointment or visit our main location in Dallas, Texas.

Plan a robotic-assisted hip replacement surgery at Texas Joint Institute

At Texas Joint Institute, we prioritize your exceptional experience before, during, and after your robotic-assisted hip replacement surgery. Our renowned specialists lead the field of joint repair, offering exceptional care for even the most complex cases. With the most advanced robotic-assisted techniques, we minimize trauma and accelerate recovery, utilizing state-of-the-art technology. Our dedicated team is committed to helping you regain mobility and enhance your quality of life through compassionate and personalized care. Schedule a consultation today at (972) 566-5255 and discover the unmatched expertise of Texas Joint Institute.