At Texas Joint Institute, we are proud to have specialists who are renowned leaders in bone and joint care. Our focus is on utilizing the latest technological advancements to improve patient outcomes, accelerate healing, and aid in regaining mobility. One of the areas we excel is knee revision surgery. Whether it involves repairing a previous knee replacement or addressing complications, our highly skilled team is dedicated to providing personalized and effective care. You can trust Texas Joint Institute to deliver exceptional treatment and support you throughout your journey towards a successful knee revision surgery and improved quality of life.

To learn more about our services or to schedule an appointment with our orthopedic surgeon, call (972) 566-5255 or contact us online.

What is a knee revision surgery?

A knee revision surgery involves removing the existing components of a knee implant and replacing them with new ones. The procedure is more complex than the initial knee replacement surgery as it requires addressing specific issues related to implant failure or complications. It may involve bone grafting, augmentation, or other techniques to restore stability and function to the knee joint.

When do you need a knee revision surgery?

What are the possible indicators that you need knee revision surgery? Here are factors you should heavily consider:

Implant failure or loosening

If the initial knee replacement implant becomes loose or fails to function properly, revision surgery may be necessary.

Persistent pain and instability

Severe or persistent pain, along with instability in the knee joint, may warrant a revision surgery to address the underlying issues.

Infection or periprosthetic joint infection (PJI)

In cases where the knee joint becomes infected, leading to complications and potential implant failure, revision surgery may be required to treat the infection and replace the implant.

Wear and tear of implant components

Over time, the components of a knee implant may wear down, resulting in reduced functionality and discomfort. Revision surgery can replace worn-out components to restore proper joint function.

Recurrent knee dislocation

If the knee joint repeatedly dislocates or experiences subluxation, revision surgery may be necessary to correct the problem and provide stability.

Fracture around the implant

If a fracture occurs in the bone around the knee implant, revision surgery may be needed to repair the fracture and restore proper joint function.

Malalignment or implant mispositioning

If the initial knee replacement implant was improperly aligned or positioned, revision surgery can correct the alignment and improve joint function.

Soft tissue or ligament instability

Damage or instability of the soft tissues or ligaments surrounding the knee may require revision surgery to repair or reconstruct the affected structures.

Scar tissue formation (arthrofibrosis)

Excessive scar tissue formation around the knee joint can restrict movement and cause pain. Revision surgery may be necessary to remove the scar tissue and improve joint mobility.

Benefits of knee replacement revision surgery

Knee replacement revision surgery offers several potential benefits:

Improved pain relief

Revision surgery aims to alleviate persistent pain caused by implant failure, wear, or other complications, providing improved pain relief.

Restored mobility and function

By addressing the underlying issues, revision surgery can restore mobility, range of motion, and overall function to the knee joint.

Enhanced implant stability

Revision surgery can address implant loosening or instability, improving the stability and durability of the knee replacement.

Correction of Implant Malposition

If the initial knee replacement implant was incorrectly positioned, revision surgery can correct the alignment, optimizing joint mechanics and function.

Increased longevity of the implant

By addressing complications and improving the overall function of the knee joint, revision surgery can potentially increase the lifespan of the new knee implant.

Resolution of implant-related complications

Revision surgery aims to address and resolve complications such as infection, dislocation, or implant failure, improving the overall outcome for the patient.

Improved quality of life

Through pain relief, enhanced mobility, and restored function, knee revision surgery can significantly improve the quality of life for individuals who have experienced problems with their initial knee replacement.

How to prepare for knee revision surgery

In order to prepare yourself for knee revision surgery, you may have to go through the following several steps:

  • Medical evaluation and preoperative testing: A thorough medical evaluation and various tests, such as blood tests, imaging scans, and electrocardiogram (ECG), may be conducted to assess the patient's overall health and identify any potential risks.
  • Medication adjustments: The healthcare team will review the patient's current medications and make any necessary adjustments or recommendations prior to the surgery.
  • Lifestyle modifications: Certain lifestyle modifications, such as weight management, smoking cessation, and physical activity adjustments, may be advised to optimize the patient's health and recovery.
  • Nutritional optimization: Proper nutrition and adequate hydration are important for healing and recovery. The healthcare team may provide guidelines or refer the patient to a nutritionist.
  • Preparing the home environment: Making necessary arrangements at home, such as ensuring a safe and accessible environment, arranging transportation, and organizing assistance during the recovery period, can help facilitate a smooth post-operative experience.

What to expect during revision surgery for knee replacement

The following are to be expected during the knee revision surgery procedure:

  • Anesthesia administration: The patient will receive anesthesia, which may be general anesthesia or a combination of general anesthesia and regional anesthesia.
  • Removal of existing implant components: The surgeon will carefully remove the existing implant components, including the femoral, tibial, and patellar components, as well as any cement or bone cement used in the initial procedure.
  • Evaluation of bone quality: The surgeon will assess the quality of the remaining bone and determine if any bone grafting or augmentation is necessary to ensure a stable foundation for the new implant.
  • Bone grafting or augmentation, if necessary: If bone loss or other bone-related issues are present, the surgeon may perform bone grafting or use bone graft substitutes to strengthen and support the bone structure.
  • Placement of new implant components: The surgeon will carefully position and secure the new implant components, ensuring stability, alignment, and proper function of the knee joint.
  • Closure of the incision: After placing the new components, the surgeon will close the incision with sutures or staples and apply dressings to promote proper healing.

Post-operative recovery and rehabilitation

After knee revision surgery, the patient's recovery and rehabilitation process typically includes the following:

  • Pain management strategies: The healthcare team will provide pain medication and other pain management techniques to alleviate discomfort during the initial recovery period.
  • Physical therapy and exercises: When it comes to rehabilitation, physical therapy plays a crucial role. A customized exercise program will be developed to restore strength, flexibility, and range of motion in the knee joint.
  • Assistive devices and mobility aids: Initially, crutches, a walker, or a cane may be used to assist with mobility. As the recovery progresses, these aids are gradually phased out.
  • Home care instructions and assistance: The patient will receive instructions for wound care, medication management, and specific precautions to follow at home. Assistance from family members or caregivers may be needed during the initial stages of recovery.

Lifestyle modifications for long-term success

After the knee revision surgery, to make sure that there will be success in the long run, certain lifestyle modifications may be recommended:

  • Weight management: Maintaining a healthy weight can reduce stress on the knee joint and promote optimal function and longevity of the implant.
  • Exercise and physical activity recommendations: Regular low-impact exercises and activities, as recommended by a healthcare professional, can help improve strength, flexibility, and joint stability.
  • Joint protection techniques: Employing joint protection techniques, such as avoiding activities that place excessive strain on the knee joint, can help prevent unnecessary wear and tear.
  • Proper posture and body mechanics: Practicing good posture and using proper body mechanics when performing daily activities can minimize stress on the knee joint and promote optimal alignment.
  • Healthy diet and nutrition: A well-balanced diet rich in nutrients, vitamins, and minerals supports overall health and aids in the healing and recovery process.
  • Smoking cessation: Quitting smoking can improve circulation, reduce the risk of complications, and promote better healing following knee revision surgery.

Alternative treatments to knee revision surgery

In some cases, alternative treatments may be explored before considering knee revision surgery. These alternatives may include:

  • Physical therapy and exercise programs to strengthen the knee joint and improve function.
  • Medications, such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) or corticosteroid injections, to manage pain and inflammation.
  • Assistive devices, such as braces, orthotics, or joint-unloading devices, to provide support and relieve stress on the knee joint.
  • Regenerative medicine treatments, such as platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy or stem cell injections, to stimulate tissue healing and regeneration.
  • Arthroscopic procedures to address specific issues within the knee joint, such as cartilage damage or meniscal tears.
  • In some cases, if the underlying issue is severe and non-surgical treatments are ineffective, knee revision surgery may be the most appropriate option.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does the recovery from knee revision surgery take?

The recovery time can vary depending on individual factors and the complexity of the surgery. Generally, it takes several weeks to a few months to regain mobility and return to normal activities.

Will I need physical therapy after knee revision surgery?

Yes, physical therapy is typically an essential part of the rehabilitation process after knee revision surgery. It helps restore strength, flexibility, and function to the knee joint.

What is the success rate of knee revision surgery?

The success rate of knee revision surgery can vary depending on various factors, including the underlying issue, patient health, and surgical technique. Overall, the procedure has a good success rate in improving pain relief and restoring functionality.

How long will the revision knee implant last?

The longevity of a revision knee implant depends on several factors, including patient factors, implant design, and adherence to post-operative care instructions. While revision implants are designed to be durable, they may not last as long as primary knee replacements.

When can I return to normal activities after knee revision surgery?

The timeline for returning to normal activities will vary depending on individual factors and the progress of your recovery. Your healthcare team will provide guidance on gradually resuming activities based on your specific situation. The specialists at Texas Joint Institute will ensure that your recovery progress will be quick and effective at the same time.

Can I have a revision surgery if I have multiple previous knee replacements?

In some cases, revision surgery can be performed on individuals who have undergone multiple previous knee replacements. The decision will depend on the specific circumstances and the feasibility of addressing the underlying issues.

Can knee revision surgery be performed with minimally invasive techniques?

Minimally invasive techniques may be used in some cases for knee revision surgery. However, the feasibility and appropriateness of such techniques will depend on the individual's condition and the complexity of the revision required.

How can I prevent the need for future revision surgeries?

To reduce the risk of future revision surgeries, it is important to follow the healthcare team's instructions regarding post-operative care, engage in regular exercise to maintain joint strength and flexibility, and address any new issues or concerns promptly to prevent complications from progressing. Regular check-ups and ongoing communication with your healthcare provider are also crucial.

Trust Texas Joint Institute with your knee revision surgery

Discover the transformative power of knee revision surgery at Texas Joint Institute. Our renowned specialists are at the forefront of joint repair, providing exceptional care for even the most complex cases. We offer knee revision techniques that minimize trauma and accelerate recovery through the use of state-of-the-art technology. Our professional team is devoted to helping you regain mobility and enhance your quality of life, focusing on compassionate and personalized care. Contact us today at (972) 566-5255 to schedule a consultation and experience the unparalleled expertise of the Texas Joint Institute.