Robotically-assisted joint replacement

At Texas Joint Institute, we are leaders in bone and joint care, utilizing cutting-edge technology to provide exceptional treatment and improved patient outcomes. Our highly skilled specialists are dedicated to delivering personalized and precise care, helping you regain mobility and live a pain-free life. One of the techniques we employ is robotically-assisted joint replacement surgery.

What is robotically-assisted joint replacement surgery?

Robotically-assisted joint replacement surgery is an approach that combines the expertise of orthopedic surgeons with the precision of robotic technology. It allows for a customized and personalized treatment for each patient, considering their unique anatomy and condition.

Types of robotic orthopedic surgeries

Robotically-assisted joint replacement encompasses various procedures tailored to specific joints and conditions. Two commonly performed robotic orthopedic surgeries are robotically-assisted knee replacement and robotically-assisted hip replacement.

Robotic-assisted knee replacement

Robotically-assisted knee replacement is a state-of-the-art procedure that allows surgeons to achieve remarkable precision and accuracy during surgery. By utilizing robotic systems, our surgeons can create a 3D image of your knee based on a CT scan. This image provides crucial data about the severity of the condition and the level of deformity in the knee. With this information, the surgeon can customize the knee replacement to correct the deformity and ligament imbalance with extreme accuracy and safety. The robotic arm guides the surgeon, ensuring precise cutting within the boundaries of the knee, enhancing safety.

Robotic-assisted hip replacement

Robotic-assisted hip replacement surgery offers a highly advanced and customized approach to treating hip conditions. Our surgeons can plan and execute the procedure with exceptional precision using the same technology as robotically-assisted knee replacement. The robotic system assists in accurately positioning the implants and achieving optimal alignment, resulting in improved stability, range of motion and longevity of the hip replacement. This advanced technique allows for a more personalized and tailored approach to each patient's specific hip condition.

Understanding the anatomy of the knee and hip

Understanding the anatomy of the knee and hip joints is essential to grasp how robotically-assisted joint replacement works and treats various conditions.

Knee anatomy

The knee joint is a complex structure that connects the thigh bone (femur) to the shinbone (tibia). It is surrounded by ligaments, tendons and muscles that work together to provide stability, mobility and support. The ends of the bones are covered with a smooth cartilage layer, allowing smooth and pain-free movement. However, conditions such as arthritis, injury or degeneration can damage the cartilage, resulting in pain, stiffness and limited mobility.

Hip anatomy

The hip joint is a ball-and-socket joint formed by the femur (thigh bone) and the acetabulum (socket in the pelvis). It is one of the largest weight-bearing joints in the body and allows for a wide range of motion. The surfaces of the bones are covered with a smooth layer of cartilage, enabling frictionless movement. Like the knee joint, the hip joint can be affected by various conditions, including arthritis, injury or wear and tear, leading to pain and reduced function.

Common knee and hip conditions treated with robotic surgery

Robotic-assisted joint replacement surgery has successfully addressed many knee and hip conditions. By leveraging the precision and customization offered by robotic technology, our surgeons can effectively treat the following conditions:

Knee conditions

  • Complex joint conditions: Some knee conditions, such as severe deformities or complex cases, can benefit from the precision and customization offered by robotic-assisted surgery.
  • Corrective surgeries for joint deformities: Robotic-assisted surgery can help correct knee deformities like bowlegs or knock knees.
  • Degenerative joint disease: A general term for the progressive loss of cartilage in the knee joint, resulting in pain and limited mobility.
  • Failed previous joint replacement: Individuals who have undergone a previous knee replacement surgery may require a revision procedure due to implant failure or complications.
  • Osteoarthritis: The most common form of arthritis, characterized by the degeneration of joint cartilage over time.
  • Other knee disorders: Robotic-assisted joint replacement can be used to treat various other knee disorders, including cartilage damage, meniscal tears and ligament injuries.
  • Post-traumatic arthritis: Arthritis that develops after a knee injury or trauma, leading to joint degeneration.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis: A chronic inflammatory condition that affects the joints, causing pain, swelling and stiffness.
  • Revision surgeries for implant failure: In cases where a previous knee replacement has failed, robotic-assisted surgery can be used to revise or replace the implant.

Hip conditions

  • Avascular necrosis: A condition in which the bone tissue in the knee joint dies due to a lack of blood supply, causing joint deterioration.
  • Complex hip conditions: Complicated hip conditions, including deformities, abnormalities or previous surgeries, can benefit from the precision and customization offered by robotic-assisted surgery.
  • Dysplasia: Developmental abnormalities in the hip joint, leading to instability and early degeneration.
  • Femoroacetabular impingement (FAI): A condition where extra bone growth around the hip joint causes restricted movement and pain.
  • Hip fractures: Robotic-assisted surgery can aid in precisely aligning and fixation with fractured hip bones.
  • Hip labral tears: Tears in the cartilage lining the hip joint, resulting in pain, clicking, or locking sensations.
  • Other hip disorders: Hip conditions, such as avascular necrosis, hip bursitis and snapping hip syndrome, can be effectively treated with robotically-assisted joint replacement.
  • Osteoarthritis: The gradual breakdown of joint cartilage in the hip, leading to pain and stiffness.
  • Revision surgeries for implant failure: When a previous hip replacement has failed, robotic-assisted surgery can be utilized to revise or replace the implant.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis: Hip joint inflammation due to an autoimmune disorder.

Advantages of robotic-assisted joint replacement surgery

Robotic-assisted joint replacement surgery offers several significant advantages over traditional methods. These benefits contribute to improved surgical outcomes, enhanced patient satisfaction and a faster recovery process.

Enhanced precision and accuracy

Robotic systems provide unmatched precision in joint replacement surgeries. Advanced imaging technology creates a 3D map of the joint for precise preoperative planning. The robotic arm assists the surgeon with meticulous accuracy, ensuring optimal alignment and correction of deformities for improved joint function and longevity.

Personalized surgical planning

Robotically assisted joint replacement enables personalized surgical planning based on each patient's unique anatomy. 3D imaging and virtual modeling ensure precise customization of the procedure for optimal fit and alignment of the implants.

Minimally invasive approach

Robotic-assisted joint replacement is minimally invasive, involving smaller incisions, reduced tissue damage, less pain, minimal scarring and quicker recovery.

Reduced blood loss and trauma

Robotic-assisted procedures minimize blood loss and reduce trauma to surrounding tissues, leading to fewer complications and a smoother recovery process.

Faster recovery and rehabilitation

Robotic-assisted joint replacement allows faster recovery due to enhanced precision, minimal tissue disruption, reduced pain and inflammation, facilitating a smoother rehabilitation process.

Improved implant positioning and alignment

Robotic-assisted procedures ensure accurate implant positioning and alignment, restoring normal joint mechanics and function for improved long-term outcomes.

Lower risk of complications

Robotic-assisted joint replacement surgery reduces the risk of complications by minimizing errors or misalignments, leading to successful and complication-free recoveries.

Potential for longer implant lifespan

Robotic-assisted joint replacement contributes to a longer implant lifespan by reducing wear and tear on the components, improving durability and reducing the need for future revision surgeries.

Enhanced satisfaction and quality of life

Robotic-assisted joint replacement improves satisfaction and quality of life by providing precise alignment, reduced pain, faster recovery, improved functionality and increased overall well-being.

Indications for robotic-assisted joint replacement

When evaluating robotic-assisted joint replacement surgery, orthopedic surgeons take into account several factors to determine the procedure's suitability. They consider the following indications:

Age and activity level

Robotic-assisted joint replacement can benefit patients of various ages and activity levels. The procedure is adaptable to meet each individual's needs, considering their age, overall health and activity requirements.

Severity and localization of joint damage

The extent and location of joint damage are crucial considerations in determining the suitability of robotic-assisted joint replacement. This approach is often recommended for patients with localized joint degeneration or specific compartments affected by arthritis or other conditions.

Body weight and body mass index (BMI)

Weight and BMI can significantly impact joint stress and the progression of joint conditions. In the evaluation process, the orthopedic surgeon assesses the patient's weight and overall health to determine if a robotic-assisted joint replacement is the appropriate treatment option.

Joint deformity and alignment

Robotic-assisted joint replacement is particularly effective for patients with mild to moderate joint deformities or alignment issues. The surgeon carefully assesses the joint's structure and alignment to determine the feasibility and potential benefits of the robotic approach.

Muscular strength and flexibility

The strength and flexibility of the surrounding muscles and soft tissues are important factors in achieving successful outcomes with robotic-assisted joint replacement. Patients with good muscle function and flexibility often experience improved postoperative mobility and recovery.

By considering these indications, orthopedic surgeons can determine the suitability of robotic-assisted joint replacement for each patient, ensuring personalized and effective treatment plans. It is essential to consult with a specialist to assess your specific condition and discuss the potential benefits of robotic-assisted joint replacement.

When joint pain interferes with your life, it may be time to see a specialist. Contact us to find out if you are a candidate for joint replacement.

What to expect during robotic-assisted joint replacement surgery

At Texas Joint Institute, our skilled surgeons perform robotic-assisted joint replacement surgeries under general anesthesia in a hospital or surgical center setting. Here is an overview of what you can expect during the procedure:

Anesthesia: We will administer anesthesia before the surgery to ensure your comfort and pain-free experience throughout the procedure. We will discuss anesthesia options beforehand and closely monitor your condition during surgery.

Incision and access: Once the anesthesia takes effect, your surgeon will make a small incision to access the affected joint. The size and location of the incision may vary depending on the joint being treated and the chosen surgical approach.

Robotic system setup: Our surgical team will set up and calibrate the robotic system. This involves placing the robotic arm in the optimal position and connecting it to the imaging and navigation systems. The surgeon will then use the robotic console to control the robotic arm's movements.

3D imaging and mapping: We may use computerized tomography (CT) scans or other imaging techniques to create a 3D virtual model of the joint. The robotic system will use this imaging data, allowing the surgeon to visualize the joint's anatomy and plan the procedure precisely.

Customized resection: Based on the information provided by the robotic system, the surgeon will accurately remove the damaged or diseased joint surfaces. The robotic arm will guide the surgical instruments, ensuring precise and controlled resection while preserving healthy bone and tissue.

Implant placement: Once the joint surfaces have been prepared, we will meticulously place the customized artificial implant that fits your anatomy. The robotic system assists the surgeon in positioning the implant accurately, optimizing stability and alignment.

Wound closure: After securing the implant in place, the surgeon will close the incision using sutures or staples. We take special care to minimize scarring and ensure proper wound healing.

By understanding what to expect during robotic-assisted joint replacement surgery and actively participating in your recovery, you can optimize your results and achieve a restored quality of life with improved joint function and reduced pain.

Postoperative recovery and rehabilitation

A comprehensive recovery and rehabilitation program is crucial for your successful outcome following robotic-assisted joint replacement surgery. Your orthopedic surgeon and medical team will guide you through this process, which typically includes the following components:

  • Postoperative monitoring: After the surgery, we will move you to a recovery area and closely observe your vital signs, manage pain, and monitor your postoperative recovery to ensure your comfort and safety.
  • Recovery and rehabilitation: A physical therapist will initiate gentle exercises and movements soon after the procedure to promote circulation, prevent complications and help you regain mobility. We will customize the rehabilitation program to your needs and gradually progress it as you heal.
  • Hospital stay and discharge: The length of your hospital stay depends on factors like the joint replaced and your overall health. Our healthcare team will closely monitor your progress, provide pain management and guide you on activities and precautions. You will be discharged with ongoing care instructions once you reach certain milestones in your recovery, such as walking with assistance and managing self-care tasks.
  • Recovery timeline: Recovery from robotic-assisted joint replacement surgery varies. However, most people experience significant improvement within the first few weeks. You will work with a physical therapist, follow a rehabilitation program and receive guidance from your surgeon on activity restrictions, pain management and follow-up appointments.
  • Follow-up care: Regular follow-up appointments with your orthopedic surgeon are essential to monitor your progress, evaluate the surgery's success and address any concerns. Your surgeon will guide you on activities, exercises and long-term care to ensure optimal function and longevity of your joint replacement.

By understanding what to expect during robotic-assisted joint replacement surgery and actively participating in your recovery, you can optimize your results and achieve a restored quality of life with improved joint function and reduced pain.

Risks and complications of robotic-assisted joint replacement

There are potential risks and complications to consider during robotic-assisted joint replacement surgery. These may include:

  • Allergic reactions
  • Blood clots (deep vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolism)
  • Implant loosening
  • Infection
  • Nerve or blood vessel damage
  • Pain or discomfort
  • Other potential risks such as blood vessel injury, fracture, stiffness, limited range of motion, and the need for additional surgical interventions.

While these risks exist, the success rate of robotic-assisted joint replacement surgery is generally high, with most patients experiencing significant pain relief and improved joint function. Your orthopedic surgeon will discuss these risks in detail, address your concerns and help you decide about your treatment.

Frequently asked questions

To provide further clarity and address common concerns, here are answers to some frequently asked questions about robotic-assisted joint replacement:

What is the success rate of robotic-assisted joint replacement?

Robotic-assisted joint replacement has demonstrated high success rates, with most patients experiencing improved pain relief, joint function and quality of life. However, individual results may vary depending on various factors, including the patient's overall health, adherence to postoperative instructions and rehabilitation efforts.

Is robotic-assisted joint replacement suitable for all joint conditions?

Robotic-assisted joint replacement is beneficial for a wide range of joint conditions, including osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, post-traumatic arthritis, avascular necrosis, degenerative joint disease, failed previous joint replacements, corrective surgeries for joint deformities, revision surgeries for implant failure, complex joint conditions and other joint disorders. Your orthopedic surgeon will assess your condition and determine if you are suitable for robotic-assisted joint replacement.

Are there age restrictions for robotic-assisted joint replacement?

Age alone does not determine candidacy for robotic-assisted joint replacement. The decision to undergo surgery is based on a comprehensive evaluation of your overall health, joint condition, functional limitations and treatment goals. People of various age groups can benefit from this advanced surgical technique.

Can both knees or hips be replaced simultaneously with robotic assistance?

Simultaneous bilateral joint replacement (replacing both knees or hips simultaneously) can be performed using robotic assistance, depending on your overall health and your surgeon's recommendation. It offers the advantage of a single anesthesia session and potentially shorter recovery time. Your surgeon will evaluate your circumstances and discuss the appropriate approach for you.

Will robotic-assisted joint replacement reduce pain and discomfort?

Robotic-assisted joint replacement alleviates pain and discomfort associated with joint conditions. While some postoperative pain is expected during the initial stages of recovery, advances in pain management techniques help minimize discomfort. Most patients experience significant pain relief and improved joint function following surgery.

What is the implant's lifespan used in robotic-assisted joint replacement?

The lifespan of the implant used in robotic-assisted joint replacement varies depending on multiple factors, including the patient's age, activity level, body weight, implant type and adherence to postoperative care. Modern joint implants can last several decades, providing long-lasting pain relief and improved joint function.

Is physical therapy necessary after robotic-assisted joint replacement?

Yes, physical therapy is an integral part of the recovery process after robotic-assisted joint replacement. A personalized rehabilitation program, including exercises and activities, is designed to restore strength, flexibility and function. Physical therapy helps optimize the surgical outcome, promotes healing, and helps you regain mobility and independence.

Will I regain full mobility after robotic-assisted joint replacement?

While robotic-assisted joint replacement can significantly improve joint function and mobility, individual results may vary. The extent of recovery depends on various factors, including your specific condition, the success of the surgery, adherence to rehabilitation protocols and overall health. Your orthopedic surgeon and physical therapist will guide you through the recovery process and help you achieve the best possible outcome.

Experience the advancement of robotic-assisted joint replacement at Texas Joint Institute

At Texas Joint Institute, we specialize in robotic-assisted joint replacement, revolutionizing how we restore mobility and improve lives. With cutting-edge technology and a team of skilled experts, we offer advanced treatments that deliver exceptional results. Trust our compassionate and personalized care as we harness the power of robotics to optimize joint replacement procedures. Experience the transformative impact of our state-of-the-art treatments. Contact us today at (972) 566-5255 and discover how our team can help you regain mobility and enhance your quality of life through robotic-assisted joint replacement.