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When is it time to see a doctor about your joint pain?

Many people deal with aches and pains in their joints, but aren’t sure when it’s time to get help. They either try to ignore the pain, or worry that their pain isn’t a big enough deal to warrant a doctor’s visit. This leads to people finally finding they have moderate to advanced disease in their joints, or sometimes discovering their pain could have been easily reversed before becoming a bigger issue.

So, when should you see a doctor about your pain? While every individual is different, there are some basic guidelines you can follow that will alert you when it is time to stop suffering in silence and call your doctor for an appointment. Here are some signals you can look for to help you determine when to make the call.

1. Your symptoms are consistent.

When your pain lasts for several days at the same intensity, it might be time to see a doctor. Even if it is a “tolerable” pain, when the issue doesn’t alleviate, it’s time to find out what is causing the problem.

2. Your pain increases over time.

Even if your pain started as a small twinge, when pain continues to get worse over time, it is a signal of a worsening internal condition. You don’t want to wait to see how far it will go, or get to a place where the pain is unbearable.

3. You are experiencing multiple symptoms in the same joint.

If you have pain accompanied by stiffness and swelling in one or more joints, you should see a specialist to determine the cause. Multiple symptoms can point to an underlying issue that you will want to address.

4. Your joint is red, or warm to the touch.

When you can see the red tint to the skin around the painful joint, and it feels warm to the touch, it is time to make an appointment. Let a doctor determine the issue and hopefully help you feel better.

5. You have changed your daily activities.

Over time, you may notice you’ve adapted your daily routine to accommodate your painful or stiff joint. If you find yourself trading laced shoes for slip ons because it’s too hard to tie your laces, or you can’t play with your grandchildren at the park, it is time to see a doctor.

6. You are concerned.

Don’t underestimate your own personal concern when it comes to joint pain. If you are worried about a new or existing pain, stiffness or swelling joint, make an appointment with a doctor to give you peace of mind.

No matter what you are experiencing, when it is time to call a doctor, our specialists at Texas Joint Institute are here for you. We treat all conditions, and are located on the campus of Medical City Dallas in case you need additional hospital service. Our team can help get to the bottom of your pain, and get you back to a place where you can enjoy your life pain-free.

To make an appointment with a member of our team, call at (972) 566-5255.

If you are not ready to make an appointment today, take our free hip and knee assessment today.