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Five weight management tips for the holiday season

We’re headed into the holiday season and many people find it difficult to manage their weight in the face of all the sweets, parties, and holiday goodies. Here are some tips to help you make healthier decisions during the celebrations of the season and finish the year off strong.

Everything in moderation

We know you’ve heard this before, but really allow this concept to help you make wise choices when eating over the holidays. If you have a craving, allow yourself to give in to a bite or two and enjoy the taste you crave. That way, you are less likely to give up completely and throw your entire plan out the window. View the season as a marathon--not a sprint. A bite or two of a beloved treat isn’t so bad in the scheme of things, and there are always more special treats to be had down the road. A little flexibility might help you put it all in perspective.

Manage stress

Stress can have a major impact on how, what and when we eat. It definitely can lead you down the road of making unhealthy decisions, like late night eating, binge eating, or loading your plate with sweets and your cup with alcohol. By managing your stress, you can reduce eating triggers, and make choices that are better for your health and wellness. And because the holidays are notorious for being extra stressful, you need to make sure you have a plan in place to deal with the effects. Try to understand what is most stressful for you during the holidays--whether its family issues, entertaining, finances, workload, or whatever bothers you the most--and come up with an action plan to combat those stressors.

Stay active

With the kitchen full of goodies and temperatures outside falling, it might be tempting to have a big meal and relax on the couch. But this will only help the pounds sneak in. Make sure to stay active throughout the season doing things you enjoy. Bike riding and swimming are great exercises for achy joints, and yoga could be a good choice if you are actively dealing with stress. Don’t make it too complicated--a quick walk around the neighborhood in the crisp autumn air, or even an exercise video on YouTube will keep you active and in the holiday spirit!

Don’t skip meals

It might seem like a good idea to skip a meal or two to leave room for a big holiday meal, but this will only lead to overeating later on. Make sure to have small, satisfying meals throughout the day so you won’t feel tempted to go overboard at holiday gatherings.

Don’t give up!

Whatever you do, keep it up! Even if you have a bad day, or give into temptation, don’t throw in the towel and give up on your holiday goals. Remember--this is a marathon, not a sprint. If you have a moment (or a few moments) of weakness, pick up the pieces and try again. Tomorrow is a new day!

Let us help you

Having a healthy weight and an active lifestyle are very important for the health of your bones and joints. If you have too much pain to participate in your daily activities, it might be time to see a doctor. Our specialists at Texas Joint Institute are ready to help you get back on a path to living pain-free.

Call (972) 566-5255 to schedule an appointment with one of our specialists so we can address your unique needs.